Ride better and feel safer. The KS 18XL perfectly balances between range, speed, acceleration and stability. There's no discomfort riding this wheel as the thinner pads allow better contact between your legs and the wheel's body. We can't stress enough the distance you can travel without consuming up the battery of this unicycle. As an 18-incher, this wheel is incredibly agile. Worry less about road bumps and enjoy the experience of exploring.
Retractable Handle
The handle helps you move the unicycle in places where riding is not allowed. Carrying your unicycle is not an easy task; it’s not fun either.
Enhanced Battery
The 18XL comes with a higher cell count (120) which not only provides double the range of the 18L model but also improves the performance.
Thinking about the width that eliminates the discomfort while riding, the high footplates that allow tight turns and the tire that contributes to better handling of both off-road and even terrains, this wheel can make any ride so comfortable as if you’re not riding even if we are talking about 70km rides.